Conservatives Online

Sometimes Andrew Sullivan just has posts that make you wonder why other public conservatives aren’t as thoughtful and rational as he. For example, today he posted that:

Does Pajamas Media believe that the future of journalism really belongs to Joe The Plumber? Or that this is really worth publishing? It seems to me that the right is still culturally disoriented. If they are still promoting Sarah Palin and Joe the Plumber and Ann Coulter and culture-war resentment as their core message, they are obviously in deep denial about what this election really meant. If their only unifying theme is hatred or reified “elite liberals”, they are doomed.

This denial – this calcification of the worst of the right in the last eight years – is the real danger to Republicans. What they need is a grappling with the public policy issues at hand, and an imaginative constructive, conservative approach to them. But the posturing is so much easier, isn’t it? And still, one presumes, really lucrative for a tiny few.

Definitely my favourite conservative to read online. I find that I agree with much of his reasoning and arguments. Furthermore, when I find that I disagree with something I don’t get frustrated like I would with Fox News; rather, I find that I disagree with his stance, but agree with his logic and rationale.

Link via The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan (January 08, 2009) – The Online Right .