Category: Quotes

Reading isn’t just viewing content in reverse chronological order

Reading isn’t just viewing content in reverse chronological order.

Daniel Bachhuber – Status.

A personal archive

This was a lot of excitement for one year. Since the whole point of Pinboard is to be around for the long haul, I’m hoping for much less of it in the year to come. A personal archive works a little bit like a bank – you want to be able to use it and forget about it, rather than see it pop up in the evening news.

maciej – Two years of Pinboard.

Tweet For The Moment, Blog For The Ages

And a week or so later, when you try to remember what you said at this party, that really terrific thing, you rack your brain, but can’t quite come up with it. That’s Twitter.

The blog, on the other hand, is slow, reliably reference-able, and findable. It’s like a speech, prepared in advance, with the text distributed. Some will hear the speech on the day it’s delivered, but others will be able to reference its text across the years.

Randy Murray – Business Blogging: Tweet For The Moment, Blog For The Ages.

Founding fathers

The United States of America is an idea in search of completion, and we are still arguing over questions that vexed the original founders at the birth of our Republic. Wouldn’t it be better — in fact, wouldn’t we take our poltiical and philosophical positions with greater seriousness — if we recognized that from the perspective of future historians, we are still actively engaged in the founding of this country?

Dan Conover – We are the Founding Fathers (& Mothers too!)

Human Discourse

The universe of human discourse always has backwaters.

James Gleick – The Information

The History of Dialogue: Other People’s Papers

But not knowing what plagiarism is isn’t really the problem. It’s unfortunate that right now the university is cracking down so hard on plagiarism. And the reason the university is cracking down so hard on plagiarism is because their product is less and less valuable these days. When students plagiarize, there’s an implicit recognition that “I’m just doing this for the grade.” That’s why they do it. And that’s the way that the majority of students look at the university, and have been for some time now. At my college, the frats had rooms full of file cabinets full of plagiarized papers. Plagiarism is old news. It’s really not just that plagiarism is getting easier to do, with the Internet. The problem is now that the grade doesn’t even get you the job.

The New Inquiry – The History of Dialogue: Other People’s Papers. (via Robin Sloan)

Sum Up: NY Times’ Bill Keller is an Expert on Twitter, Doesn’t Use It

I’ve heard this kind of thing a lot from traditional journalists. The idea of sharing online is truly foreign to them. Anything they say in public could be heard by the competitors! It’s at once egotistical “everything I think is so valuable I have to hoard it” and dismissive of everyone else “therefore all those people on the net sharing their thoughts must be worthless”.

The inability to see social media as anything other than a place to mine for traffic is at the core of why the traditional media doesn’t get the net, and why the net is going to replace them.

Derek Powazek – Sum Up: NY Times’ Bill Keller is an Expert on Twitter, Doesn’t Use It.

No journalism on Facebook

The only thing to add is that it is not possible to do journalism in an environment where your writing can be taken down if the company hosting it deems it offensive.

Dave Winer – No journalism on Facebook.

Why some dissatisfied users are shunning Facebook

I figured out that I wouldn’t look back as an old man and wish I had spent more time on Facebook

David Cole – Why some dissatisfied users are shunning Facebook. (via iA)

Gopher dead, blogging lives

But try to imagine replacing Daring Fireball, Scripting News, Apple Outsider, Shawn Blanc, or any of a number of great blogs with something like Twitter. You can’t. You’d have to invent blogs so that these writers have somewhere to write.

If blogs are dead, what are we reading in Instapaper?

If blogs are turning into places for more thoughtful writing, rather than as the only place to share stuff, I think that’s awesome. We have a more diverse, interesting, textured set of web-tools than we used to. That’s good.

Brent Simmons – Gopher dead, blogging lives.