Bookmarks for May 2nd through May 3rd

In order to share what I’ve found to be useful/interesting/etc. while browsing around below are my links for May 2nd through May 3rd. You can find my full set of bookmarks at my Delicious account.

  • Let Them Eat Tweets – Why Twitter Is a Trap – While it's at least a slightly less biased and antagonistic look at Twitter than Dowd's recent piece it still is just plain odd. To say that Twitter and connections are essentially signs of poverty is to disrespect all those who aren't lazy and isolated millionaires. Just because someone living in the Hamptons doesn't need to worry about the state of affairs and information doesn't mean that they shouldn't. To me this is more a statement upon the wealthy and upon people like Heffernan than anything else.
  • Live blog with Twitter plugin for WordPress — – An interesting WordPress plugin that automatically pull tweets for a live blogging event into a WordPress post. Not quite sure what it offers that CoverItLive does not, but at least it's another alternative.
  • Web-kreation – Implement a Nice & Clean jQuery Sliding Panel in WordPress 2.7+ – A nice tutorial for creating a sliding menu for user login features as well as other aspects of a WordPress site. Could be used for navigation like on News Evolved but perhaps that's not the best option.
  • White House On MySpace, Facebook, Twitter – The Atlantic – I think that this article fails to take into account a major aspect though: these tools will only be successful if Obama and the White House use them to communicate *with* the community, not at it. It's got to be about more than just pushing our news updates. It needs to be about interaction.