Bookmarks for May 7th through May 9th

In order to share what I’ve found to be useful/interesting/etc. while browsing around below are my links for May 7th through May 9th. You can find my full set of bookmarks at my Delicious account.

  • Create A Tabbed Interface Using jQuery – Nettuts+ – A tutorial for creating a really slick tabbed interface. Nice way to recreate the Popular/Recent/Comments box that is in most of the WooThemes for WordPress.
  • – Allows for you to upload a video just once and then have it pushed to all video sites (YouTube, Vimeo,, etc.). Could be very useful to get the best aspects of all video sites. (via @joeybaker)
  • Kill-a-Watt and Other Products That Actually Help – A follow up to the previous post from GOOD. This provides some suggestions as to what products do actually have a significantly positive effect upon the environment.
  • Don’t Buy Green – An interesting article about how "green consumerism" in some ways encourages consumers to simply be worse for the environment. It convinces them that their buying habits are sustainable and that because of that they can buy more and more and more. Interesting take.