Category: Quotes

Khoi Vinh on columns

What they’re arguing though is that columnized text makes it easier for the designer, gives them an added level of control over the design through which they can exercise their own prerogatives. It’s not an argument for optimizing the user experience; it’s an argument for optimizing the designer’s experience.

Khoi Vinh – My Column on Columns.

The Twisted Psychology of Bloggers vs. Journalists

For people in the press, bloggers vs. journalists is an elaborate way of staying the same, of refusing to change, while permitting into the picture some of the stressful changes I have mentioned. A shorter way to say this is: it’s fucking neurotic.

Jay Rosen in The Twisted Psychology of Bloggers vs. Journalists.

Tweeting and Writing and Deflating Like a Balloon

Really writing forces us to lock the words into whatever contraption is being used to write. I like typewriters because it’s hard to take out the paper and crumple it up while writing. The easiest movement is FORWARD. Typewriters are momentum machines. Real writing pushes forward. Tweets push in every direction at once. These are not value judgements, these are just some observations.

Frank Chimero – Tweeting and Writing and Deflating Like a Balloon.

Vocational Wheel

The only way I have time to do nice things is to not do everything. It makes sense to me, other people think that makes me a dick.

Merlin Mann in Episode #7 of Back to Work.

A good factory

A good factory is not necessarily the one that makes the most money, but the one that is most responsible for improving the quality of life for its workers and its customers. And the true function of politics is not to make people more affluent, safe, or powerful, but to let as many as possible enjoy an increasingly complex existence.

Flow by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi