Tag: Jason Cohen

Improving the worst experience

When we focus on our perfect customers and make sure they’re completely blown away from start to finish, it’s true that it generates grateful customers who love you through thick and thin, and cheerleaders bearing testimonials. But what happens when you improve the experience on the other end of the spectrum?

For example, instead of letting those ill-fitting customers hang around long enough to have bad experiences, you could figure out what they look like and reject them early and humanely, while also helping them find a better, happier solution.

Jason Cohen – Improving the worst experience.

Startup Weekend pep talk: It ain’t the code

Customers don’t patronize companies on the basis of the difficulty of the code or the unit test coverage percentage or whether you used Bodoni instead of Times New Roman on the home page. In fact I’ve made millions of dollars on companies with hideously ugly websites and buggy code. Those things are actually not the most important things. Real life is a startup contest too.

Jason Cohen – Startup Weekend pep talk: It ain’t the code.