Tag: The New Inquiry

Authentic sharing

The sharing-economy companies are not a way to temper capitalism (and its tendency to generate selfish individualists); they just allow it to function more expediently.

Authentic sharing, by Rob Horning.

The Myth of Cyberspace. Two years old and still relevant. An insightful post from PJ Rey about the myth of living in two worlds, the cyber and the physical. Favorite quote from the article:

Cyberspace has become our Mount Olympus, the founding myth of the Internet Age. It is an article of faith, not the product of lived experience.

Devastation in Meatspace:

But just as war is the perennial driver of technological development, so it also remains the laboratory in which technological image production is really tested — the ability of one state or another to push representation to its limit and make you feel safe, happy, good about the flesh that is being torn from limb on your behalf.

Molly Crabapple presented a similar idea during the Sex and the Selfie panel at Theorizing the Web.