Month: March 2011

Openness, Socialism, and Capitalism. Open knowledge in education is far from a socialist idea. Instead, it fits well with the root ideals behind capitalism. If you are the one paying for research and innovation then you darn well ought to be able to share in the products that are created. Buy one get one.

Twitter Was Act One. Really fascinating feature on Jack Dorsey. It covers everything from his childhood, to Twitter, to Square.


Recipe for banking fail: Require users to enter an authorization code when logging in from an unfamiliar computer. Deliver the authorization code via email. Reject the authorization code sent by your bank’s system because it does not contain any letters.

I’m now in a banking ghetto and can’t log in to my Chase account anymore because their web form doesn’t trust their email script. Nice. When does BankSimple launch again?

Thoughts on TKE initiation at Whitman. Go read that. Then read this. Much respect to Daniel for publishing that and for being interviewed by the Pio.


Just updated my Feedburner settings which were using a long outdated URL ending. If you’re subscribed to the RSS feed it might be worth checking. or are what will work going forward.

37signals on hiring. 37signals takes time to discuss their experience in hiring people recently. They make the point that getting a job is not a numbers game. If you’re taking the shotgun approach you’re doing it wrong.

College professors and students jump into the wiki world. It turns out that not all universities are content to view Wikipedia as an inaccurate and untrustworthy knowledge pool. Professors at various east coast schools are having students work in groups to improve entries. Sounds like a great use of all that journal access colleges have. (via Three trends that will shape the future of curriculum)

New BuddyPress plugin: BuddyPress Docs. This looks like a really cool plugin from Boone Gorges. It’s a front-end document editor for BuddyPress sites. Check out the feature list as well.