Category: Links

Postmodern Tourism : An Interview with Pico Iyer:

I think that what she must have found, and most of us do too, is that home is essentially a set of values you carry around with you and, like a turtle or a snail or whatever, home has to be something that is part of you and can be equally a part of you wherever you are. I think that not having a home is a good inducement to creating a metaphysical home and to being able to see it in more invisible ways.

via Daniel.

Who should see what when?

Interest, effects, agency. These are three ways that a story might intersect with you, and they are reasons you might need to see it.

Great article from Jonathan Stray. I’d pay for a news organization that approached its product from these three principles.

The Strongest Man in the World:

In the past five years, Shaw has added more than a hundred pounds to the svelte three hundred that he weighed at his first contest. “It gets old, it really does,” he said. “Sometimes you’re not hungry, but you have to eat anyway. Training is easy compared to that.” Pudzianowski once told an interviewer that his typical breakfast consisted of ten eggs and two to three pounds of bacon. “Between meals, I eat lots of candy,” he said.

The article is full of things that make you wonder how in the world someone can do that.

What is a Public Editor? I’m curious which news organization will be the first to implement this because eventually one will.

What we should have said to PG. Refreshingly honest post about pitching your startup and telling a story.

Digital Dualism versus Augmented Reality:

I am proposing an alternative view that states that our reality is both technological and organic, both digital and physical, all at once.

The IRL Fetish:

But this idea that we are trading the offline for the online, though it dominates how we think of the digital and the physical, is myopic. It fails to capture the plain fact that our lived reality is the result of the constant interpenetration of the online and offline. That is, we live in an augmented reality that exists at the intersection of materiality and information, physicality and digitality, bodies and technology, atoms and bits, the off and the online. It is wrong to say “IRL” to mean offline: Facebook is real life.

Really great article about our connected lives. Via Daniel.

Replication studies: Bad copy. Many published experiments end up not entirely reproducible. Journals and academic publications can skew toward the eye-catching and implausible. This chart was particularly fascinating.

Target The Forward Fringe:

But when Apple announced the Retina MacBook Pro at WWDC, revamping all of my apps and my web site jumped to the top of my list of priorities…

Why? Because HiDPI customers may be a fringe group, but they are a forward-facing fringe. They represent the users of the future, and the more we cater to them now, the more deeply embedded our products and designs will be in their culture. The future culture.

A Conversation With Bill Gates About The Future of Higher Education. Great interview with Bill Gates where he discusses some of what his foundation is working on in terms of education and schools. Via Daniel.