Category: Links

101 Questions to Ask in One on Ones. Tons of questions to help prompt discussion and feedback in 1-1 chats with people on your team. Jason breaks the 101 question up in to topical sections. The last two are my favorite tips. (via Michael).

Not a REAL Gamer: Identity and conspicuous consumption:

The construction and maintenance of the concept of “core” games is how someone has or does not have actual cred as a gamer; if you call yourself one, be prepared to back that up with what you play – what you buy.

Am I a Blogger? An edited version of danah boyd’s talk at Blogher this year.

Shenzhen trip report. Joi Ito writes about his visit to Shenzhen, the locus of advanced manufacturing. Some interesting photos at the top of the post, too.

Turning questions into metrics. Every long post Stijn writes is such high quality. In this one he focuses on measuring things within a news organization. It all starts by asking, “a good metric to do what?”

Hervé This: The World’s Weirdest Chef. Explores the ideas and background of a molecular gastronomy pioneer.

Portland light rail’s mixed track record. A look at Portland’s light rail system from the Austin American Statesman. It gets a bit bogged down in financials. I don’t think transit infrastructure can be viewed as a one-time, singular piece. It has to be looked at in terms of what sort of city you wish to create. Hat tip Kraft.

What Is Public? Essay by Anil Dash that examines how both technology and media companies have a vested interest in us defining “public” as broadly as possible. The common misconception being that there’s no singular definition of public; life is much more about the interplay of many publics.

Putting Thought Into Things:

Quality is not just the method, just the form, or just the content. The lack of quality doesn’t cumulate in a spot, it is fundamental. Quality is what holds form and content together.

Open (Source) for Business:

With the exception of WordPress and VLC I can’t think of a single, mainstream product that people just choose to use because it is better than the competition.