
Publishers and the Smiling Curve. Astute analysis from Ben Thompson on the problems facing traditional publishing companies. The key issue is that they no longer hold an exclusive on creation nor discovery of content; the two most valuable ends of the curve.

The Ebola Wars. The New Yorker’s long feature story about Ebola’s spread.

Detroit State of Mind. A story about the realities of buying, and renovating, a home in Detroit.

Muir: Yosemite Icons. The second version of Sebastiaan de With’s replacement icons for OS X Yosemite. The Rdio, Twitter, and Slack replacements are my favorites. They’re such a big improvement that I’m using them even though they break some things.

Cycling the Highlands. Jeff Veen details his 8-day trip through the northern parts of Scotland. Despite all the rain he cycled through it sounds like a wonderful trip.

On Keeping a Logbook. A post from 2010 where Austin Kleon writes about “keeping a simple list of who/what/where” for each and every day. Reminds me a bit of the Bullet Journal idea.

The Diminished iPad. Ben Thompson writes about the diminishing importance of the iPad. I love my iPad Mini as a reading device. But, I wouldn’t put it anywhere near the same level of necessity as my iPhone and MacBook.

Pomodoro Timer. I found this app a while ago and recently began using it more frequently. It’s a simple, menu bar app that runs in the background. The goal is to help you deliberately break your work day up in to focused chunks. There are, of course, tons of variations on the theme. This one’s the nicest mix of function and design.

The Robots of Resistance. Long feature story on Chris Csikszentmihályi. It focuses on his projects that bridge art and engineering.

Privacy versus user experience is a false dichotomy. Cole Peters breaks down a recent post by Dustin Curtis. Some really well-phrased arguments about data as well.