Month: October 2011

First, make rice. Before you move on, it’s crucial to really understand and master the basics. Sometimes it’s those basic tasks that are really the most important.


I set up a quick status blog on today. It auto posts the content to Twitter so it’s handy for when I want to post the occasional status. Plus, I’m now dogfooding another part of what I work on every day which is always good.

A First Look at BankSimple. This was posted back in September but I just got a chance to really watch it. Beyond the sexy interface the message is tremendous. “We shouldn’t be doing math in front of the computer. The computer ought to be doing math for us.” That’s the kind of bank I’d like to have.

Being Human is Good Business:

Being Human is Good Business:

Getting the commute to PIE down. Handily,…

Getting the commute to PIE down. Handily, there’s a great iPhone app for TriMet.

Hopefully my new to Twitter site is all…

Hopefully my new to Twitter site is all set up. If so, hello world. 🙂

“Somebody else will not let me do anything”

The assertion that “somebody else will not let me do anything” should always be suspected as a cover-up for inertia.

Peter Drucker – The Effective Executive.

Improving the worst experience

When we focus on our perfect customers and make sure they’re completely blown away from start to finish, it’s true that it generates grateful customers who love you through thick and thin, and cheerleaders bearing testimonials. But what happens when you improve the experience on the other end of the spectrum?

For example, instead of letting those ill-fitting customers hang around long enough to have bad experiences, you could figure out what they look like and reject them early and humanely, while also helping them find a better, happier solution.

Jason Cohen – Improving the worst experience.

The Costs of Bookmarking. Cool data released by Maciej from Pinboard about how much it costs to keep the bookmarking service running. It’s really awesome to see information like this made public.

More Marseille – Travel Log, Day 9

I spent my last day in Marseille seeing Notre-Dame de la Garde which sits on the top of the highest hill around and had some terrific views of the city. To get up there, my brother and I walked up some pretty steep, San Francisco-like streets.


The tower of Notre-Dame de la Garde is capped by a colossal statue of the Virgin Mary with Baby Jesus.


The interior had some amazing mosaics on the wall. It was a tremendous effect when combined with the striped stonework.



The views over the city and out to the Frioul Islands were terrific. You definitely get a sense of how Marseille is the second largest city in France.



After that I headed up to the Palais Longchamp to hang out in the park and read for a bit. Both museums were closed, one for renovation the other because it was Monday, but the park was nice.

